Test Your Knowledge: A Quiz on Figures of Speech

Put Your Language Arts Skills to the Test with This Figure of Speech Quiz

If you are interested in brushing your knowledge of figures of speech and want to test your skills, you have come to the right place. In this quiz, we have compiled a series of questions that will challenge your understanding of similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, irony, metonymy, puns, synecdoche, alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia, and rhyme. Whether you are a student looking to improve your language arts skills, a teacher searching for classroom materials, or simply someone who loves language and literature, we think you will find this quiz to be both engaging and informative. So, why wait? Give it a try and see how you measure up!

Figures of Speech Quiz with Questions and Answers
  1. "The cat's fur was as soft as a cloud" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  2. "Time flies like an arrow" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  3. "She has a heart of stone" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  4. "The road was a ribbon of moonlight" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  5. "I could eat a horse" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  6. "The sun is a golden ball" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  7. "I have a million things to do" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  8. "I'm so hungry I could eat a cow" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  9. "Her eyes were diamonds" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  10. "The wind howled like a wolf" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  11. "Life is a journey" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  12. "She had a voice like an angel" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  13. "I'm so tired I could sleep for a year" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  14. "The grass is always greener on the other side" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  15. "He has a heart of gold" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole d) Personification

  16. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Irony b) Metonymy c) Pun d) Synecdoche

  17. "The pen is mightier than the sword" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Irony b) Metonymy c) Pun d) Synecdoche

  18. "The White House said today..." is an example of what figure of speech? a) Irony b) Metonymy c) Pun d) Synecdoche

  19. "He gave me the old one-two punch" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Irony b) Metonymy c) Pun d) Synecdoche

  20. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" is an example of what figure of speech? a) Alliteration b) Assonance c) Onomatopoeia d) Rhyme

Answer Key:
  1. (a) Simile
  2. (a) Simile
  3. (b) Metaphor
  4. (b) Metaphor
  5. (c) Hyperbole
  6. (b) Metaphor
  7. (c) Hyperbole
  8. (c) Hyperbole
  9. (b) Metaphor
  10. (a) Simile
  11. (b) Metaphor
  12. (a) Simile
  13. (c) Hyperbole
  14. (a) Simile
  15. (b) Metaphor
  16. (a) Irony
  17. (b) Metonymy
  18. (b) Metonymy
  19. (d) Synecdoche
  20. (a) Alliteration

Thank you so much for taking the quiz on figures of speech! We hope that you enjoyed the questions and found them to be both challenging and educational. Whether you are a seasoned pro or a beginner, we hope that you learned something new about the various types of figures of speech and how they can be used to add depth and meaning to language.

We appreciate your participation and value your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions for future quizzes, please don't hesitate to let us know. We are always looking for ways to improve and provide engaging content for our readers.

Thank you again for taking the quiz, and we hope you have a great day!