Using the appropriate reading style

Using the appropriate reading style

Using the appropriate reading style

There are a number of styles that students use when reading. They are scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading and more. Each of them has its own purpose.

Skimming and scanning are probably the most familiar among all the reading styles.

We skim the pages by glancing quickly over the entire selection to refresh our memory about a passage we have read or we do this to get a general view of a new material or selection. This reading style helps us focus our attention on the maid ideas and the author's purpose.

On the other hand, if we need to find a particular piece of information, we scan the selection. To do this, we have to look  for key words or phrases that will point us to a specific information we are needing. In scanning, we don't have to read the entire selection. If available, there are section headings or terms in boldface type that we may use to help us find the information we need.

Speed reading is used to test the reading speed of a student. This is done while following certain procedures to get the most approximate reading speed of a student. To learn how to use speed reading CLICK HERE.

We read intensively if we need to know a selection or reading material in detail. Meanwhile, extensive reading is for students who have discovered the joy in reading that they read any reading materials that interest them.

To  Grade 7 English teachers, all these reading styles need not be introduced or done in one sitting. This has to be given to your students one step at a time. You may introduce scanning on the first day and follow it up with skimming the next meeting.

The first few days of school are the best time to introduce these reading styles so students know what technique to do when reviewing their lesson or learning a new material for the rest of the school year.