Why Doctors Would Rather Stay And Serve

Doctors who stay are not equally distributed in different parts of the country. On the average, there is only one doctor for every 4,000 people. In very poor and remote areas, there are no doctors.
This problem is very critical; its solution is very important to our national development. Hence, this study was done to find out why in spite of attractive opportunities abroad, not a few doctors stay home and serve our people.
A survey was made among doctors to know their characteristics and attitudes, and the rewards they get in the areas where they practice. The study was made in these areas: Oriental Mindoro, Cebu, and Cotabato. From the results of the survey, it can be concluded that doctors stay home for three reasons: strong sense of professionalism, job satisfaction, and feeling of anchorage (meaning rooted to the place).
The feeling of professionalism was measured by their membership in medical organizations, their belief in the value of public service touching on the idea that their work is necessary and should, therefore, be done even without the corresponding monetary rewards, and their strong sense of commitment.
The doctors are satisfied with their work for three reasons:
They feel they are performing an important public service;
They have a deep sense of calling; and
They enjoy working among their own people.
Anchorage to the country was shown by the degree to which the doctor feels that his service are needed by his own people more than by people in other countries.
It is reassuring to know that a big group of doctors stay in their home country because of their strong commitment to the medical profession and to the people. Doctors should be given an income equal to the responsibility attached to their work and medical status. They should be given more facilities - laboratory, office and library. More research centers should be established so that the country can provide continuing opportunities for intellectual and professional growth. There should also be sufficient funds and hospitals, and for other urgent medical programs in the country. Due recognition should be given to doctors for, indeed, their service is vital to national survival.
Answer the following question:
- What is the purpose of the study?
- What cause the researcher to make this study?
- Where are these two pieces of information found?
- How did the researcher gather his data?
- What is the researcher's conclusion? Is the purpose achieved?